Broken, chipped or missing teeth are among the most common reasons patients seek out the restorative dentistry services at Greenwich Dental Group. Our dentists specialize in restoring your confidence in both your smile and the chewing functions of your teeth. We do so by offering beautiful porcelain crowns and bridges that look great and work in the practical ways you need for everyday life.
Crowns are almost always made of porcelain, though they can have a metal base. They are ideal for restoring teeth that are broken, chipped, misshapen, decayed, worn-down, or which have large worn-out previous restorations (such as fillings, inlays, or onlays).
Bridges are also usually porcelain restorations which may include a metal base for enhanced strength. They replace missing teeth when you have remaining teeth adjacent to them, to which they adhere and serve as the “bridge.”
Our crowns and bridges are sturdy, durable and attractive, designed and implanted to help restore the natural beauty and full function of your mouth and teeth.
• Stronger teeth
• Improved chewing
• Improved apppearance
• No more pain
Other Restorative Dentistry Procedures
Call today to schedule an appointment at our Greenwich, CT office. 203.869.3984
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